Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Mural Project Preview.

The kind of subjects that I could use to go about the Akins High school mural could be something showing how hard each and every student works to make the grade. Another thing I could do is the fun side that everyone has instead showing the dull and boring side of being here. Like showing everyones not so tense side just the students being corky and having the time of their life.

Showing how fun students can be seems kind of worth it. It's a lot more fun showing how the students have to work hard each and every day seems good to me. I guess since it's showing the differences of everyone but yet we can have fun times and make memories happen together and not being tied down and uptight, Like most students are, we can be able to be ourselves. 

The advantages to using the phones camera (depending what phone) can save time and money then actually going out to get a camera to use for  short time period. The disadvantages of using the camera phone is that the camera may be to slow to take the shots and the memory the phone can carry may end up being maxed out and it's kind of a hassle. 

Using an SLR camera has the advantage of it being able to take quick photos and you can change the type of lens you are using to something that better suits the situation. The disadvantage to using one of these is that you have to be extremely careful because if the camera lens brakes it is expensive to replace. And you have to make sure all the items that the camera came with is all accounted for.

I think it is better to use the phones camera. It's portable easy to store away for safe keeping and we have our cell phones at the ready to take photos of things that are happening at the moment. And the other thing is that the user will be able to decide what is better to use like the setting on the camera phone. The last thing is that we are more comfortable to use our phones for pictures since we take so many. 

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