Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

1. What caught my attention of the other photographers black and white photos are the expressions that it has and that it shows. The shadows and what the photo is about catches my eye. Especially when there is people involved.

2. From looking at the photos of the "Great Black and White Photographers part 2"

From the first photo of the woman I see the way she look calm and relaxed in this. The person who took the photo must have saw her beauty and wanted a natural chill looking photograph.
When thinking about this photo I feel peaceful for some reason. Just looking at her makes me feel calm.
When looking at the flower photograph I picture hearing birds chirping and feeling the sun on my skin and the wind blowing on my face.
And so looking at the two photos I picture smelling clean fresh air. Maybe some flowers or Dust depending on where the woman is.

3. I would like to do a Power Point to expose this great artist. Maybe showing his very first photo he's ever taken and gradually show all the photos that he's taken over the course of his year as a professional artist. Like displaying that even professionals had to start off small and have a rough time trying to get the perfect shot at times but then they end up able to catch their dream of making it big and them well known.

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