Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Academics photo preview

The Best story

This photo tells me the story of what these kids are doing to help out people that are in need of some help. Giving the homeless food seems to me like the reason behind the cause could be told in this photograph.


The girls i this photograph have a happy exciting look on their face. 

Fills the frame.
You can see everyone here even the pole that is there. It look like a peaceful gathering that they are all having.

I picked this photo for its emotional value to me and anyone who is close to graduation. It's the most exciting and he most scary Event in our lives and it really is striking. 
The rules of photography are line,color,form,texture,rhythm and Unity.

I could take photos like this in the band hall or the theatre and mainly in the Performing arts center.

I'd like to take the photos in the PAC or the classes that are most active.

Get the students as they are performing or are engaged/caught in their work that they are ignoring everyone else but they show their passion for what they do.

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