Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Photo manipulation and ethics.

Photo manipulation has been a problem due to the fact that some reporting journalists have used adobe Photoshop to alter the photos they take. The altered photos are then released and discovered that they have been messed with. The person that was a journalist had been fired and lost their credibility as a reporter. 
The photo altering thing is very unethical mainly because it bends the total truth and the public end up accepting this altered truth that is presented to them and causes a world of trouble.
Most unethical !
This photo of Oprah Winfrey is an unethical one for the way they changed her body. They person who published this photo took the body of a different woman and put Oprah head on it. It seems rather insulting that they would that out there like this. It's clearly stating that Oprah's body image needs to be changed to look like that one in the photo.
Least unethical.
The photo that national geographic put out isn't all that bad. Since it isn't hurting anyone's image or reputation. The picture that is shown is just trying to catch some eyes and interest people into reading the geographic magazine. But others often times do hurt other people or cause drama.

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