Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Camera History

1. The camera obscura has a dark box and a hole and the light goes through it and the image is then projected.

2. The lens was invented in the 17th century by Issac newton and Christopher Huygens. The lens was the second step of creating the modern camera.

3. The camera that was created by Niepce consisted of a dark box, lens, and film.

4. Polaroid cameras have things in common with Niepce's creation.

5. Digital cameras use CCD to capture images.

6. Auto mode completely controls the flash and exposure automatically so you don't have to do it. Program mode has auto-assit and you can control all the functions other than auto mode.

7. In portrait mode the camera will try to blur the background and use the fastest lens setting possible.

8. Sport mode is for things that area on the move. It'll use the fastest shutter speed and snap the picture like frozen motion.

9. Half press is important to do so you have a better chance at the great shot and have better composition of the photo. Also for a better response when the time comes.

10. The symbol means the flash is off. The best time to use the disabled flash is in a very lighted room so the person doesn't look to light. 

11. That symbol mean the flash is enabled. I would use the flash in a dark room or a room with poor lighting.

12. Too much light will wash out the picture. 

13. Not enough light then you won't be able to see the photo it'll be to dark.

14. "stop" is used to measure the light intensity.

15. In the new world with 2 suns the world will be brighter by 1 stop.

16. In this world if there were 4 suns instead of two the world will be 2 stops brighter.

17. the longer shutter speed has more light. 

18. A shorter shutter speed has less light. 

19. the Aperture controls focus. the light has to go through so the Aperture is like a pupil.

20. you can control the amount of light by twisting the f-stop. 

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